Board Attendees:

  • President - Bob Hasenhundl
  • Vice President - Blair Harness
  • Secretary - Deborah Bingham
  • Treasurer - Noel Ross
  • Race Director - Katie Rayburn
  • New Rider Director - Dan Spurlock
  • VP Rules & Tech - Dustin Pfeiffer
  • Rider Rep - Rulebook - Dennis Stowers
  • Rider Rep - Trophies & Class Sponsors - Steven Racz
  • Rider Rep - PR & Events - Tim Ellis
  • Rider Rep - Press & Contingency - Codey Chewning

Estimated Voting Members in Attendance: 13 in person and 14 online
Location: Nite Owl Sports Bar and Grill and Zoom
Start Time: 7:35 PM MT
End Time: 9:28 PM MT

Club Announcements

  • Rule change period closes tonight.

Bob Hasenhundl - President

  • Bob noted that the Annual BOD elections will open and the following positions will be available:
    • Vice President
    • Treasurer
    • New Rider Director
    • VP Rules & Tech
    • All Rider Rep Positions

  • We are still working on a schedule for next year. It was confirmed that the MRA is looking at HPR, PPIR, and PMP. While La Junta was under consideration, it will not be utilized in 2025.
    • B. Hendry noted he has raced all over the country, while the walls can be moved at PPIR, there needs to be a substantial review of the track. He indicated that it would be advisable to gather a group containing experienced individuals to determine the safety of the track, including the run offs and outs around there, especially around turns 1 and 2. He noted that rider safety needs to be a priority and while it’s a risky sport, we need to control what is within our ability. He noted he would not run the track if he didn't have to.
    • G. Cruz voiced his support of Brad’s feedback.

  • Bob confirmed that HPR is locked in for 2025, and there could be 4 rounds there, but it is not yet confirmed. There will be substantial changes to the program.
  • In response to a member’s question regarding any feedback from former racers and why they are no longer attending MRA events, Bob noted there is some feedback however the majority relate to retirement from sport and focusing on other interests relating to family such as building houses.
    • It was confirmed that much of the decline in the racing population is natural attrition, and there needs to be a better refilling of the new racer pool.
    • Brad Hendry, online, noted that other racers also moved and some are just no longer partaking in the sport.

Blair Harness - Vice President

  • There will be a need for a new timing and scoring individual in 2025. Betsy is returning to racing.

Deborah Bingham - Secretary

  • Racers who are in the Novice class planning to move to Expert in 2025, need to complete their novice hours. Novices must complete 4 hours of “community service”, this can be attained by attending meetings, helping at the track, or by purchasing the hours for $50 per hour.

Noel Ross - Treasurer

  • Noel again reviewed the club financials, race school broke even, negative at Round 1 and 2 (finally got invoice from Pueblo), Round 4 through round 6 all negative. Still awaiting HPR to cash check for Round 6.
    • In response to Seth’s question regarding changing, Dan confirmed that a weekend costs ~$32K per 2-day weekend to operationalize. There needs to be major changes to allow the club to survive. Tim noted there are numerous ideas on the table, with the individuals responsible for running the numbers. The board will narrow the ideas down to viable options. There are a number of moving parts to consider.
    • In response to a question regarding gaining racer insight on plans for 2025, it was noted that this has resulted in mixed outcomes previously. At the end of 2023, numerous racers wanted to commit to 8 rounds; however, when implemented, many of the racers were not attending resulting in the club facing deficits.
    • Regarding MRA sponsored track days, it was confirmed that when we run race school we were aggressive at targeting sport bike clubs. Even with that aggressive approach, race school is still negative.
    • Regarding money in the bank to pay deposits for next year, it was confirmed that money was transferred from the reserve fund to the ops account. There is $15K remaining in the reserve account after $35K was transferred to the Ops account.
    • It was confirmed that out of the 28 classes, the MRA sponsored 8 classes. Bob Halbert asked Steven Racz to chat with him about potential sponsor opportunities.
    • Katie confirmed that the board is working without pay to try to minimize the financial impact to the club.
    • In response to Tiffany regarding how much may be able to be paid back into the reserve account, Noel indicated that she hopes that $15 - 20K may be returned to reserve.
      • Tiffany indicated that based on the finances that it seems unlikely. Noel reiterated that it is an estimate.

    • Dennis noted that he has an issue with how the P&Ls are presented. Noel indicated that while you can look per class, if you look at the entire amount for the year, it’s more accurate.
    • Regarding Seth’s question if RYAO is hurting or helping the MRA, Tim noted that you’d need to ask individuals. Tim noted that the racers he’s talked to indicated that people are approaching their limit in finances and endurance.
    • Bob reviewed data for Round 6, there were 53 paid racers, 96% did 2 races, 70.5 % of those did a third race, 69% did a fourth race.
    • Dan noted that your RYAO entrants aren’t always the issue, it’s the people completing one or two races that need to be converted. He noted that his proposal for moving forward is a one price fits all scenario.
    • It was noted that availability and ability to race in classes are also hindrances.
    • Regarding data, Dan noted that USBA did a one price fits all for their one day program, which was successful.
    • Regarding changes to the club, Brad noted that regarding rightsizing the business, we need to seriously consider consolidating classes into a one-day schedule. He suggested a track day organization on a Saturday and a race day on a Sunday would save the club. Geovanni echoed his support.
    • Katie noted that any changes implemented are for the current situation, once improvement occurs, additional changes could then be considered.
    • Regarding changing the program, Mike suggested cutting it to 4 rounds, or reducing the availability of races to encourage racers to attend.
    • Regarding what plays into diminishing racers after Round 4, Dan noted there’s numerous factors including people crashing out and other commitments.
    • Regarding a discount for pre registering, Dan noted this was a suggestion he previously provided. Tim noted that we can barely get individuals to sign up 6 days before the race weekend.
    • Regarding reaching out to the racers, Tim has been completing outreach to encourage racers to continue coming back.
    • Regarding SuperStreet, Dan noted that there’s a number of individuals that are simply in it for the free track time for a voucher.
      • There was a suggestion to have it limited to one voucher per individual.
      • Regarding input from SuperStreet attendees, it was suggested that the MRA reach out to former students to gain feedback.

  • Noel requested that racers cash any checks, if not, please let her know in writing if you want to donate to the club. If there is no response a week after Noel makes an announcement at Round 8, the checks will be turned over to the state.

Katie Rayburn - Race Director

  • Safety Crew appreciation is held at Round 8. There will be a BBQ and the crew members will be able to select gifts from donations.
  • The crew wish list includes gift cards for coffee/restaurants/stores, cash, alcohol, motorcycle parts, gear, Bluetooth speakers, mugs, and clothing.
  • There will be 24 crew members including the ambulance staff.
  • Regarding the BBQ, it was confirmed it will be a potluck.

Dan Spurlock - New Rider Director

  • Dan noted that there are ~6 individuals signed up for SuperStreet with 8 additional racers looking for vouchers.
  • Dan noted he will not be running for New Rider Director and welcomed individuals to reach out to him regarding the position.

Dustin Pfeiffer - VP of Rules and Tech

  • Dustin thanked everyone for bringing their thoughts and discussion to tonight’s meeting, the engagement is welcomed by the board.
  • Rule change proposals period closes tonight.
    • Looking at a tentative date to hold the rule change meeting mid-October. The date will be earlier than usual to allow for more efforts to be targeted to sponsorship.
    • B. Halbert indicated that C. Greenwood's proposal was posted on Facebook and asked if it would be accepted. Dennis indicated that while it wasn’t properly completed, he has combined this information with other proposals as he sees appropriate. Dennis indicated that he had conversed with Charles over messenger.

Dennis Stowers - Rider Rep - Rulebook

  • The rule change suggestion period closes tonight,9/11. Dennis indicated that there has been a fair amount of input, which is a large increase from last year.
  • Dennis summarized that there have been suggestions regarding SuperSport class, electric bikes and on/off track suggestions.

Steven Racz - Rider Rep - Trophies & Class Sponsors

  • Steve will be sending out an introduction email to sponsors. With the upcoming changes in racing schedule, it is difficult to identify when to approach sponsors.
  • Regarding the highest level of sponsorship, Steven noted that this is changing for 2025. Addison noted he may have a car dealership interested. Bob indicated that currently ROR GTO / GTU is this year’s highest costing sponsor role.
  • Regarding ideas on attracting sponsors, it was suggested the MRA consider a calendar. Tim noted that the MRA board is discussing different merchandise ideas.

Tim Ellis - Rider Rep - PR & Events

  • Tim is working on schedule for events, including a new approach for next year based on what worked and didn't work this year.
  • The MRA will not be attending the Colorado Motorcycle Expo, this is intensive in number of man-hours, ~70 hours, with very little in return per new racers or corner crew.
  • The club will also likely dial back attendance at bike nights. Tim thinks there is value attending these events earlier in the season. One new approach being considered by the MRA is to host events such as motorcycle watch parties. This will be a bike meet / watch party, where riders can come and ask us questions while watching racing events. Tim’s ideal approach would be to have them attend MRA gatherings before bike nights etc. start up.
  • There’s a new venue being looked at for the banquet. The club needs to have the party it can afford and not the one we all want.
    • Regarding having a more casual approach, some individuals indicated a preference for having a smarter dress code; however, it was noted that everyone should dress how they are comfortable. The target dress could be dining casual.
    • It was confirmed that the ticket price would be lower than previous years to reflect the more casual nature of the event.

Codey Chewning - Rider Rep - Press & Comms

  • A QR code was provided for racers to submit their videos for the year. The files go to a Dropbox. Corey Jackson, videographer, is creating the year end video. All contributions would be appreciated. Clips and highlights should be submitted instead of full-length videos!


  • Chris Anderson received the $50 MSR credit.
  • Seth received the Night Owl award.
  • Geovanni Cruz received the $25 MSR credit.