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Thread: May 8th, 2024, General Meeting Minutes

  1. #1
    Member Novice
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    May 8th, 2024, General Meeting Minutes

    Board Attendees:

    • President - Bob Hasenhundl
    • Vice President - Blair Harness
    • Secretary - Deborah Bingham
    • Treasurer - Noel Ross
    • Race Director - Katie Rayburn
    • New Rider Director - Dan Spurlock
    • VP Rules & Tech - Dustin Pfeiffer
    • Rider Rep - Rulebook - Dennis Stowers
    • Rider Rep - Trophies & Class Sponsors - Santiago Shirtz
    • Rider Rep - Press & Contingency - Codey Chewning

    Estimated Voting Members in Attendance: 16 in person and 18 online
    Location: Nite Owl Sports Bar and Grill and Zoom
    Start Time: 7:32 PM MT
    End Time: 8:20 PM MT

    Bob Hasenhundl - President

    • The weather is being monitored ahead of Round 1. The MRA does run at High Plains raceway in the rain, so racers need to be prepared.
    • There will be a cookout after racing this weekend. The MRA will provide meat, buns, sodas and chips. All attendees are welcomed to join and celebrate the weekend of racing and the MRA family.
      • There is a signup sheet on the MRA Facebook page where racers can offer to bring a side dish or dessert.

    • There will be MRA t-shirts available from 64° Racing on Saturday.
    • Racers were reminded to charge their transponders ahead of the race weekend.
    • Additional Friday night in-pit tech inspections have been released. These are available at a reduced price of $35.

    Blair Harness - Vice President

    • The 2024 licenses will be available at the track this weekend.
    • Registration for Round 2 will open on Monday after Round 1.

    Deborah Bingham - Secretary

    • Racer will check in ahead of taking their bikes through Tech. At check in, racers will sign the waiver, receive their wristband, receive a track map and itinerary and confirm their races.
    • Novices should come to the race day office if they are looking to complete any novice hours activities.
      • Currently, help is needed with the air fence on Friday night and Sunday after racing.

    Noel Ross - Treasurer

    • A few items remain outstanding from Race School. We expect it to result in similar figures compared to last year.
    • Riders were encouraged to read the Rule Book ahead of this weekend.

    Dustin Pfeiffer - VP of Rules and Tech

    • There will be two lanes for check in, Racers should follow the cones and not congregate in a group.
    • Tech will begin at 6pm for groups A and B and at 6:45pm for groups C and D.
    • The groups are designated by lap timing, Dustin will be displaying the lap times for each group. The groups are self monitored and racers were asked to choose the correct group carefully.
    • Racers should make sure their bike meets race requirements and review the Pre-Tech Checklist.
    • A new process will be followed this year, where riders will be asked to remove their old tech stickers.
      • A caveat for this process is if there is a specialty or memorial sticker on your bike, these will not be removed as they will not be confused with regular tech stickers.

    • Racers should safety wire banjo bolts. However, safety wiring the banjo bolt from the front master is recommended but not required, per the Rule Book
    • If any racer falls down, Dan and/or Dustin will be reaching out to that racer to talk about what happened and to determine if anything needs to be amended or improved.
    • Racers must have a legal number plate and numbers on their helmet.
    • MobarMafia Vinyl Wraps will be present if any racer needs stickers.

    Dan Spurlock - New Rider Director

    • For in-pit Tech, racers should come to check in, where they will receive the previously mentioned items, along with a light up cone and Dan’s cell number. When bikes are ready to be tech’ed, racers should text Dan and let them know along with confirming where in the paddock they are located. Racers should leave the completed Pre-Tech Checklist with their bike and do not have to be present for tech. If the bike does not pass, Dan will write the information on the Pre-Tech Checklist.
    • Dan encouraged novices to prepare appropriately for their race day. Individuals should ensure they hydrate, have their day planned and make sure they know when their races and grid spots are, so they aren’t rushing and making errors.

    Katie Rayburn - Race Director

    • For Round 2, the MRA is holding a Race School in conjunction with the Pueblo track day on Friday. The track day is being run by PMP and not the MRA. There will not be the MRA air fence at turn 10 and the corner staff will be provided by PMP.
      • The Friday track day is Pueblo’s open lap day. There will be no drag racing the Friday before Round 2.

    • Safety crew staffing is organized for Round 1.
    • For novice hours, help is needed with the safety fence. Racers should reach out to Katie.
    • The MRA air fence will not be up on Friday at the track day, it will be set up on Friday night.

    Codey Chewning - Rider Rep - Press & Comms

    • If any racer would like to contribute to the potluck, they should reach out to any BOD member or complete the Google document.
    • Codey is looking for a volunteer to complete novice hours on Sunday. The task will be to take notes on ROR for use in a RoadRacing World article.
      • Volunteers are also requested on Friday to be interviewed for the MRA.

    Santiago Shirtz - Rider Rep - Trophies & Class Sponsors

    • Eaton Paint and Body is sponsoring the 2X Ultralight race.
    • There are 9 classes still available for sponsorship.
      • Santiago indicated that the plan is to reach out to sponsors sooner than previous years.
      • In response to a question from Tiffany, the sponsors on the MRA webpage will be updated shortly. Currently, the 2023 sponsors remain on show.
      • Tiffany further asked when the agreement will be sent regarding her sponsorship, Bob confirmed it will be sent after Round 1.
      • In response to what a sponsor receives, Santiago provided an overview of the sponsor package. It was confirmed that the printed materials provided as part of the sponsorship have been received and will be distributed shortly.

    Dennis Stowers - Rider Rep - Rulebook

    • Dennis reminded the racers to read their Rule Book.

    Tim Ellis - Rider Rep - PR & Events

    • Tim encourages everyone to attend the BBQ this weekend and get to know new racers in the MRA family.

    Sarah - External PR Consultant

    • Image and branding continues to be improved for the MRA. Sarah encouraged racers to interact with the MRA accounts and share the posts as much as possible.
    • If racers could continue to send content to Sarah to help develop materials for promotional materials, it is appreciated.
    • Racers should continue to check in on social media when attending events or visiting sponsors. Additionally, racers should also acknowledge their sponsors when posting about events and races.


    • In response to an online question, Blair confirmed that the racer directory will be updated shortly.
    • Regarding sign ups, it was confirmed there are 76 entries with an additional 6 SuperStreet sign ups.
    • For MSR Credit - Dan Orrmsbee (MSR Credit)
    • For the Night owl giveaway - Justin Bohling
    • For the online MSR Credit - Mike Kionka (MSR Credit)
    Last edited by Bagpipes19; May 12th, 2024 at 02:00 PM.

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