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Thread: Round 6 pics by R1chie

  1. #1
    Senior Member Amateur
    Join Date
    May 2012
    St Petersburg, FL

    Round 6 pics by R1chie

    A fellow rider and photographer had posted this in the CSC forum but said he couldn't post it here for some reason, doesn't have FB either but he gave me the go ahead to post/share this here, some pics he took from Round 6, enjoy!
    "We all take risks every day. Us who ride, know that. We calculate our risk with our reward and then strap on our gear and throw a leg over our trusty steeds. We know that it can end at any time. But we don't let that stop us from living our lives and doing that which we love."

    Damir G

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Senior Member Expert
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Silverthorne, CO
    Brilliant colors, and detail. Thank you very much R1chie!!!
    Dennis Stowers MRA #151
    2021-2023 MRA BoD Rider Representative - Rulebook
    Absolute Moto-Michelin
    Speedin' Motorsports

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