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Thread: New here

  1. #1
    Junior Member Novice
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    New here

    Hey guys, new here, but been on CSC for 7 years or so.

    Been riding track days since 2013 (Very slowly might I add), and was hoping to do Superstreet this year but employment things went south, so I can't afford track riding. Instead I'll be working on the race weekends running the crash cart and taking care of equipment. Just wanted to quickly introduce myself, hopefully I'll still be riding to the race weekends.

    My bikes, bought the gray 2013 new, but sold it to upgrade to the 2015. I'm currently sitting at about 13,000 miles. Aside from the exhaust most other mods are for aesthetics or comfort. I'd love to build a nice 600 track bike at some point, but that's a long time out.

    Thanks for having me!

    ​2015 S1000RR

  2. #2
    Senior Member Amateur TD675's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Glad to have you on board man. Sorry you can't be racing with us but thank you for filling the crash cart position. That is awesome.

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