Suggestions for the 2016 Rulebook
Suggestions for the 2016 rulebook are now open and will be accepted until Friday October 2nd, 2015 (rules suggestions will not be accepted after 2400hrs on October 2, 2015). Once the list is compiled, the proposed rule changes will be sent out to all members. Rule changes can be submitted to Shannon Moham, Jeff Brown, or to any rider representative. The preferred method would be for racers to submit rule changes via the rule change thread on the MRA forums.
We've changed the venue and scenery for the rule change meeting over the last few years, so Shannon is up for suggestions on where to have it. The rule change meeting will most likely take place in November.
The rule change meeting is open to all members and will be held to discuss the proposed 2016 rule changes. The members attending this meeting will be encouraged to give input on the changes that will be presented to the MRA board for approval. Finalized rule changes for the 2016 season should firmed up before the end of the year.
When making your suggestion, be sure to cite the existing rule and what changes you are suggesting. If it is a new rule, please use the exact wording as you would like it to appear at the rule change meeting and possibly the rulebook.
If you want to discuss your rule change proposal, please start a separate thread on the forum.
If you have any questions please contact Shannon (