
Yes Glen and Ralphs responses are correct. The overall plan is too allow Bob to heal in comfort.

As I have mentioned in the past, he doesn't have any injuries that are life threatening or could diminish is long term capacity for life. However, the trama he sustained was pretty great. As such, he will have a pretty long road of rehad in his future.

It is also important to note that I have been intentionally vague as to the laundry list of injuries and there potential outcomes for few reasons. They all surround Bob's personal privacy. Since this is an open internet forum I can't guarentee who is reading the information and what conculusions they will jump too. I am sure that when Bob is more aware of the situation he will be happy to share the list of injuries, however I feel that is his decision and not mine.

At the begining of the season Bob asked me to be the emergency contact in case something happened. As noted by Glenn, Bob's family is in Canada. I have been in communication with them ( and with Ralph and Terri's help) we are working on action plans to help Bob with his short and long term future

So hopefully I have answered or address any concerns that anyone may have. However, please feel free to PM me (or Ralph) should you need something or wish to help with Bob's recovery.

Also please remember that we are holding a benefit track day to help Bob with his expenses. Everyone's participation would be greatly appreciated
