Yes, Sol Performance/Pirelli is already paying out for the 3rd round..

3rd round winners of the Sol Performance-Pirelli Contingency awards!!
1st: Set of Pirelli tires to Joe Washburn!! (Won twice this year already)
2nd: $250 gift cert to Carl Sorenson.
3rd: $125 gift cert to Tracy Schram
4th: $50 Chicken Hawk Racing Tire Warmers gift cert to David Absolon (Again, has won twice this year)

Congrats to the winners.

Remember to be eligible you need to buy a couple of Pirelli tires, list Sol Performance as a sponsor and go have fun racing in the MRA!

Next round we are doing away with filling out the contingency forms. So when you buy 2 new tires from Sol Performance, you will be automatically entered into the lottery.

Congrats again!!!

PS. Sorry for the mix up Michael but it will have to stay that way. :P