Thank goodness!!!
We have an experienced expert ,with a wealth of first hand information and advice, to be the leader of the AOCDTD meeting (which begins promptly at 6 pm Sat nite Sept. 22cd at the Vanmar Pit area)

We are collecting telephone numbers from kind, and willing individuals to pass out to the folks that are afflicted with this horrible disease. This way when the person with AOCDTD feels the urge to start punching away at his or her digits of ex boyfriends, girlfriends, parental units, friends and family members, a "surrogate" phone number can be substituted and a informed caring person can intercept the often embarrassing messages and or calls, which will help cut down dramatically on the inevitable "MAOGAE" (morning after overwhelming guilt and embarassment).
Our club is the BEST!!! See you at the meeting!