Boy that's a tough call and I wouldn't want to be on the decision side of that one. I just feel the club doesn't have the hardcore racers like the oldtimes and that's one of the reasons for the decline and of course the increasing cost associated with a whole season.
Regardless, I'm the type who decides early in the season if I'm going to be running for a championship. I plan the summer, plan on making every round and hope the stars align themselfs to allow me to do so. I've fallen down through the years and still won championships and so far I've never needed a points system to help but if we can come up with one that allows for such things to happen as missing rounds, falling down and etc. I'm all for it but presently just not seeing it happen in a 7 round season. My hats off to the job you guys have done to this point and I'll trust you with this new math to make it happen.