Here is a summary of a few different points systems and if they would cover a zero point round in the seven planned for 2013. We need to look at the information carefully as automatically covering the spread at every position may not be the best idea. It builds in a mulligan for everyone in the championship. Possibly the best business sense will be to make it close, but not quite 100% assurance since mathematical possibilities are not always reality.

Disclaimer: I am not trying to push a new scoring system onto the club or say mine is better than any other plan. Since this will be discussed at the rules meeting, I thought it would be helpful to be able to visualize some of the data that will be thrown around at the meeting. Personally, I feel as though the points system perfect, but it ain't broke either. A lot like the red flag rules: the least of all evils. But it is a good exercise to explore different options and allow the membership to voice its opinions. At least one racer has perceived a problem with the scoring system as it stands. We owe it to ourselves to make an honest attempt at creating a better plan. Even if nothing changes in the rulebook, the improvement will be an educated membership as to why the points system exists as it does.