Modern Vintage

Same proposal as Frank above for 2.5.1 but with a few exceptions:

Ten MODEL YEAR rule - with frame and engine as the sole determinant. Since the forks and everything else are open for swap anyway, who cares...? The '99 thru '02 R6 would be considered a '99 model year. The '03 thru '05 as well as ALL R6S's (regardless of year) are all identical frame and engine, so they would all be considered '03 model year. I use R6 as the example because thats the bike I know...

I would combine the two classes simply into Modern Vintage Open. Currently there are only a handful of bikes in each class and a well ridden 600 could still win the class anyway. If signups warrant, we could run them in two waves as we did in the past. MVO in the front, MVU second wave.

Additionally I would suggest we "freeze" it at 2003 model year for five years and then in 2018 change the rule to a 15 model year rule because the 2005 model year bikes are & 2006 are currently competitive in all of our Modern Classes. This is no longer in the spirit of Modern Vintage imo...

This change would make as much as 1/3 of the bikes in our paddock eligible for modern vintage, and give our guys on older (but not yet old) bikes a place to run competitively.