
Thanks for the posts about bikes for sale. I think I should be more clear about what I am trying to do - and maybe what I am trying to do its not possible - open to any advice about that.

But, what I am trying to do is to buy a bike from someone in the MRA. I think there is a distinct advantage to buying a bike that:

1) I can see touch and feel before its bought;
2) where I can look at the extras;
3) where someone can vouch for the maintenance reputation of the owner; and
4) that I can avoid paying an extra $600 to ship.

I also think there might be some extra "love" re: advice, hey I found some other parts, I found this tool that only works on my old SV, etc. that I can't get from someone out of town. I realize that, come January or Feburary, I might be desperate and might need to buy from someone out of town.

Right now, I'm just trying to put cash into an MRA member's pocket. When things get desperate, I'll ship something from out of state.

Sorry I wasn't clear on this - I do sincerely appreciate your help in helping me find a scoot.

