Quote Originally Posted by Fastt Racing
These questions are Very Very intelligent for you to be asking, as most people just jump in and start an uphill battle right away. Between Rybo, Brownie, Aaron Fisk, Tony, Mohammer, Louden etc. You have a great group of talent and experience at your fingertips that is unparalleled in most any club racing out there.

I also think extra quality protective gear is very important!
I agree with Geoff and Dennis on the gear. It's really easy to spend money on the bike to try to make it look better, go faster whatever.

That being said, more expensive doesn't always equal 'better'. In the equipment category the best protective gear is whatever fits you the best. Try on a bunch of stuff, if you can, before buying. A $600 helmet can be a great thing, so long as it fits well. If it doesn't it simply will not protect your head.

As far as your comment as to racing "safely". This sport has risks. The good news is that most of the risks are well known and you can do some planning to mitigate them. But wait, there's more! The risk is already mitigated to a great degree because we have a tremendous group of people that support us in this endeavor. The corner / safety crew and our ambulance staff are simply the best and I find racing even more satisfying knowing they are there in case something goes wrong.

You're well on the path and asking the right questions! See you at the track
