Rybo - thanks man. You sure answer a lot of my dumb questions - thank you! Sorry about the dumb helmet question, that dang production number read 001122 - I was thinking, that's not a date! After re-reading the Shoei website and realizing that the year came first, and I said "what are the chances?" 11/22/00. Funny.

After lots of talking with guys around the paddock last Sat. and thinking, agree that the SV650 is going to be the bike, most definitely. I'm going to post an add for one that - preferably is all set up for a relatively big dude. Maybe I can get away with just buying different front and rear springs and the rest can be plug and play! (That would be really lucky - but who knows?). Thanks for this input - it confirms what I was thinking. Lots of other good info here. Definitely working on the smooth...

Geoff - Never even thought that a tranny failure could result in a total lockup, but it makes sense. That's a scary good point. I definitely want to avoid any interaction with the EMT's if possible - I'm not the only person who my job houses and feeds! (which at present is my biggest concern - how to race SAFELY!).

Maybe I'll try to combine your knowledge about racing SV650 with the Modern Vintage experience you had and get a 10 year old 650 that qualifies for MV. I think there's a reasonable chance I might begin and finish with the SV650. It seems to be the way to go. I own all twins anyway (except the CR500), so it makes sense for me anyway. How can you not like a class called "Thunderbike!"

Really good points here, thanks guys. This is a big decision for me, thanks for understanding the need to learn all I can before I jump in (and the hesitance!).
