Quote Originally Posted by WolFeYeZ
Quote Originally Posted by Gone_Skiing
From the replies so far on the list we do still need people.

For the new people please wear white pants. I will have t-shirts for you at sign in. We meet at 6:30am in the classroom (large trailer next to the office, closest to the food trailer). Please arrive ready to work
There you go TG.
You beat me to it.

To answer a few other questions in one post:
Sign up: reply to this thread letting us know which days you will be there.
Shoes: No open toed shoes/sandals. Wear something you'll comfortable standing all day in.
Application Form: Please fill out the whole application. You do NOT need to supply a credit card number (unless you'd like to. I sorta promise to only use it for corner worker beverages... :wink: I cannot speak for Jim Wilson tho )

Let me know if you have any other questions and I will see you all Saturday!
