Quote Originally Posted by T Baggins
Quote Originally Posted by Fastt Racing
Hey Carl. I decided to run a couple supersport classes this year. In the process of switching back to the OEM clutch, and purchasing DOT tires for my bike, I double checked my other stock components to verify all the rules have been met. Here are some questions I had about the supersport rules:

According to supersport rule 2.2.2.F.e I can not run the Kit valve springs which several people recommended me to purchase. I was wondering if you know of any valve spring shims available, as these are allowed. Maybe Bart has some ideas on who makes these too.

According to supersport rule 2.2.2.F.c does not allow for use of aftermarket or Kit timing chain tensioners, is this something we can address before the next rule change, as it is a slight reliability issue on some motorcycles with poor chain tensioners for medium to high rpm operation, during engine braking.

According to supersport rule 2.2.2.A I noticed that none of the EVAP or AIR emmisions components can be removed, which all of mine are still present, but with the unlimited origin of ECU's they could be inoperative. Seems this may need some clarification.

According to Technical Requirements 5.2.1 or supersport rules: I does not specify that we can add frame sliders, fork sliders, or swingarm sliders to the motorcycle, as a deviation from showroom stock. Is this an oversight, and it "Is" allowed, but just got left out of the rulebook?

These were some things that raised some questions for me. If I remember correctly there may have been some bikes entered in the supersport class in the past that were in violation of some of these rules, now that I have preppared my bike in accordance with them. I would hate for there to be any dispute caused by not enforcing the rulebook as it is written, so the competition is as fair an equal for everyone as possible. What are your clarifications on these issues? Sorry for being that guy, but when you learn how to read as a child by your father teaching you with shop manuals and rulebooks this is who you get, LOL. Thanks for your hard work buddy!
Soooo... you couldn'ta brought this s#it up back in OCTOBER during the rules committee meeting.... lol :lol:
No he couldn't have. He is a bit slow and was probably too busy bench racing all year long till standard racer procrastination crunch time. :lol: