Perhaps, but the more knowledge you have with your bike and tires means you actually dont need balls to go fast :wink: Get your bike and tires working for you and you dont need to risk anything (ie. using your balls) to go fast. The tires guys can just sell tires if you just want to buy tires, but the experienced tire guys can help you actually go fast if you want to. People like Bru (Steve Brubaker the new Dunlop vendor) have been helping fast people go faster for a very long time 8)

The same thing with a rider-coach, the easy way to go fast is to brake later and accelerate earlier but a great rider-coach like for instance Jason Pridmore, will teach you how to brake later and accelerate earlier and all the pieces inbetween. It's all in the details, which comes from knowledge 8)

Basics like this should be taught at the new rider clinic, they may be already being taught not sure. Asking a friend in the pits for advice is a good start, but why not ask the right people, the right questions :wink: