To the MRA family,

It is with great honor that I have been nominated again for the
position of Track Marshal. This position is very important for the
MRA. Track Marshal has the responsibility of making sure the race day
goes without any issues and with my dedication and experience in the
MRA I feel I’m ready for the challenge again for 2012.

So, I’ve been around the MRA for a while now. I attended my first race
in 1994 in Steamboat and have not turned back. I started corner
working in 1996 and corner worked every race until 2002. I was the
head Corner Marshal (Nick's current position) in 2003. That year I
introduced my family to the MRA family (in La Junta of all places)
that’s where I was finally able to convince my wonderful wife Lisa to
let me start racing. In August 2003 I competed in my first MRA race
and have only missed 1 race since. In 2004 I joined the airfence crew
and from 2005 – 2007 was the airfence captain. In 2008 and 2009 I
served on the Board as the VP of Rules and Tech.

As you can see I’m very dedicated to the MRA and feel honored to be a
part of such a wonderful organization. My family is dedicated to the
MRA as well. Lisa is the Treasurer (2008/2009+) and Logan is, well I
guess you’d call him the MRA mascot. Breanna, my daughter, loves
spending time at the races as well. Both kids have grown up with the
MRA. Breanna even corner works when her schedule permits.

In 2011 I had several goals for the race season. I wanted to obtain a
sponsor for our crew. Abate stepped up and donated money for shirts,
new cones and some new fire extinguishers. I also wanted to bring
back the training program for all corner crew members. This was held
during the race school with Hugh success. I also thought it was
important to change some of the process's and procedures in day to day
operations. With the board's help we make the decision that if the
ambulance rolled on the track we would go to an immediate red flag. We
also added the procedure where we would bring the down bike to the
crash cart vs the crash cart to the bike so the it would not be in any
danger zone. The board of directors and essential safety crew hold a
debriefing meeting each Saturday after the races to go over the race
day. This has made great strides with communication between the teams

I look forward to being the 2012 Track Marshal.

Ray-Ray #16