Ben, to suggest that we've just sat back and waited for things to turn around is not only inaccurate - but a tad bit insulting.

We've completely restructured the particulars of the club operations, saving the MRA approx $50,000 per year over previous years for two years running.

We've converted the MRA to a 501 C7 NON-PROFIT organization, which means we can actually operate profitably and carry money over from year to year. This has never been accomplished in the 30+ years the MRA has been around.

We've added SuperStreet which has been wildly successful, not only in average attendance but in converting people to "licensed racers" and in bringing in spectators.

We've added three new classes in 2011, all of which were very well attended, and indeed in the top 10 of all classes in overall attendance - not to mention brought in racers which are now filling "other" grids as well.

We absolutely cater to weekend warriors as well, with many people doing ONLY Endurance races, or ONLY racing EITHER Saturday OR Sunday. What we're trying to do is fine tune it such that the riders who can only do partial seasons have multiple options, which are local, and don't cost a metric shit ton of money to attend. This, imo, is the best thing we can do to cater to the once-in-a-whiler's.

Previously we catered primarily to the Top 20 or so ROR guys (ROR O and ROR U), a practice which nearly bankrupted the MRA. If we had continued with the Purse levels of previous years the MRA would have basically ZERO money in the bank right now, and at this time last year.

I want to clarify, again, that the MRA is NOT STRUGGLING financially. Some of the events were losers financially, and it appeared very clear that an 8th Round would have also been a loss. So rather than put ourselves in a position where we WERE struggling - we opted to end the season early. This is not something we've had the insight, data, or ability to plan for in the past. This is what some would call "good business management", which apparently is being misinterpreted as "struggling". Can't win for trying with this crowd, apparently... If we had started 2011 with the intent of running only a 7 Round Season - everyone would have thought this year went PERFECTLY...

We consistently have among the biggest grids, best turnout, most specators and highest level racing of any "similar" club in the nation. Why would we want to significantly change the way our club operates?

For every example that has been thrown out for consideration, I can show you a club that is doing exactly that - and failing... How many clubs are struggling financially right now? How many have failed outright in the last few years? I get calls and e-mails from other clubs throughout the season (and even this week) asking "how did you do this, and how did you do that" and "how can we have the same success as you guys did with such and such class or program". Superstreet is being copied around the nation, 250 Prod is being copied around the nation, etc, etc, etc.

The MRA has plenty of money RIGHT NOW to:

Pay out all our remaining 2011 expenses
Pay for the Banquet facility
Pay for the trophies and photos for the banquet
Pay for the deposits for the track rentals for 2012
Pay for our first quarterly installment of insurance for 2012
Pay for all the little incidental crap, supplies, maintenance, etc, etc, etc, that come up during the off season

In years past, and on several occasions, we've had to borrow money from members or Board Members just to put on the banquet or pay the deposits and insurance to get the season started. I'd say that our current situation is quite good, and something that we should all be proud of.

As for the Practice Saturday, Race Sunday suggestions. Before anyone else jumps on that bandwagon - I would request that you START with the actual COST to run an event, and then work it backwards from there. You'll see that what you'll have to do is raise prices, cut more than half the classes, punt 1/3 of the racers (or force them to buy bikes which are conforming) and still have NO financial benefit to either the racer or the club.

Specualting on how much better this would be or that would be is great, but unless you have any basis for your argument - you are simply daydreaming.