You are forgetting the fuel cost for the trip there and back (yes it can be shared between riders if they truck/trailer-pool), but you are also forgetting about the 2 nights in hotels. I dont believe MMP allows camping at the track and hotels in the area arent that cheap.

The idea of shared rounds in a great one, but in this economy it is unrealistic to expect people to spend a lot more money than they had already planned to spend on extra gas money and hotels. There arent any end of year prizes or cash awards to make it worth the extra cost for the racer to have to spend the extra money.

If the MRA and USBA created an interclub championship that was in addition to the MRA and USBA championships it may work, but you cant penalize a racer for not being able to make an 1100 mile return trip to another state. Create a series within two seperate series where you list 2-3 rounds from each of the clubs meetings, the riders who have the funds to do 2-3 "out of state" races as well as their own are elligible for the Championship.

Heck charge some sort of token fee that does directly into the end of year prizemoney/trophies and give it all back at the end of the year, but dont try and combine the clubs.