Again, this thread isnt to place accusations on a rider/s or engine builder/s. Cheating is a part of motorsports, no not everyone cheats but there is always one or two people who like to push the rules into the gray area, and while it is pretty much just fun for them is pisses other people off and breeds contempt. It can be contempt for the rider/s or towards the club for not controlling it.

Trust me, every club has suffered from 'the old boys club' where if you know the right people things will get overlooked, the MRA in the past was no exception to this. Those who have been around the club for a while know what I am talking about and no it isnt worth even repeating, that was then, this is now.

People should just start thinking about how 'they' think it should work and present their ideas (in the correct format) to the rules committee. Every member in the club gets a chance once a year to have their say with the rules for the following year, make the most of it :wink:

The MRA is going from strength to strength while many other clubs are doing just the opposite, this is largely due to the Board Members efforts as well as all the volunteers that help a weekend come together. Now is your chance to have your input into the club, draft up rules and ideas to try and grow the club even further. Yes a lot of the ideas will get shot down, heck mine were last year, but a simple idea gets people thinking about things more than just doing the same thing year after year.