Hi all!
The MRA requires all novice racers to provide 4 hours of service to the club each season. Novices can fulfill these hours in the following ways:
Novice Hour Opportunities:
1. Attend MRA General Meetings once a month (1/2 hour/meeting): Check in with JenJen @ the meeting or it doesn't count!!
2. Volunteer at MRA event booths (dealer open houses, shows, etc): Schedule with a Rider Rep
3. Volunteer as a Cornerworker: please see Track Marshal
4. Assist MRA staff (banquet, raceday office, etc): Check with the raceday office for upcoming opportunities
...or buy out your hours for $100
**It's very important that novices check in with JenJen at the end of the season to confirm that we have record of your hours worked.**
Volunteers not only help the club operate, they find it's a great way to get to know other members. It's the board's sincere hope that after having an opportunity to volunteer, you'll continue to donate time/resources to support your club.
Finally, maintaining the MRA requires a constant service commitment from members-- if you enjoy volunteering please consider running for the board of directors. Thank you for donating your time!