Scott is the man. I just picked up a Strider for Logan last night. Info about Logan. He is almost 2 1/2 years old. he has been riding a pedal bike with training wheels since right before he turned two. He is really good on it but I have tried to take off the training wheels before and he was definitly not ready. He just didn't understand the balance thing, (till today). I've had him riding the Strider all day. He loves it and when I was cruising him around on the dirt bike for fun he even asked to get off so he could ride his Strider (this has never happened before). By the end of today he was going down the driveway with his feet up and keeping his balance. This is the best bike ever for getting a kid to understand balance. I am going to try him off the training wheels on his pedal bike by the end of the week. I'll try to repost and let you all know how it went. I have videos of logan from today that I will try and post so all of you with kids can see what one day on a strider will do for a kid. Thanks again Scott. You made Mine, Jess' and Logan's weekend.

Chris Weed aka Tumbleweed