Big bikes racing against little bikes <----not a fan of it.

I seem to recall a class ror class champion having a crash with a little bike because of amazing closing speeds at Ppir one year.

Luckily no one was seriously injured.

Once a big bike is pointed on a trajectory and is at speed it's incredibly hard to change it's direction quickly. So when a small bike is darting around from one side to the other in the entrance of a corner it poses a problem I prefer to never have to deal with. And is one more variable that does not need to be added to the equation.

My opinion:

Sometimes segregation is a good thing, and there's a reason for SEPARATE classes for bikes and levels of experience.

Sadly the shrinking members of the club dictate we shovel them all together but there has to be some lines drawn between such large gaps in performance somewhere...

I doubt you'll find any top 10 ror gto riders who'll disagree with me on this. If there are I'd like to here their LOGICAL reasons for allowing small bikes to race at the same time as big bikes and why it does not pose a safety issue.