Quote Originally Posted by Hotrod

I did purchase a sv and do plan on racing this year.
That being said, at this point I plan on running Sportsman, and possibly a Saturday endurance, if I am not so slow as to be a hazard to myself and others...
I am not even sure that a full season will be financially viable.
Timmay, Glen and Ralph have all managed to set a precedent of successfully
combining a limited race schedule along with fantastic performance of their respective trackside duties... I do not mean to say that I am as experienced as this impressive trio, however I am pointing out that it can be done.

I am hugely honored that my name has even been mentioned in this topic, and were the job to be offered to me I would accept with pride.
I love this club, and will serve it in what ever manner I am able... Regardless of whether or not I am offered the position of HCM.

For what it's worth... *I* felt that my ability to do my job was compromised by also trying to race, even just once or twice a weekend. Where and how that reflected to the rest of you I don't know, but it stressed the hell out of me and made it hard to completely focus on either one. In retrospect I don't think I'd try to combine the two again. It can be done, and maybe Glenn/Tim are better at successfully mixing the two, but I think attempting it shouldn't be taken lightly.

Now I also had constant bike issues which didn't help things, but both racing and heading up a great crew like this require one to be on top of things mentally, and it was nearly a conflict of interest in that regard. If you're going to head a track safety crew and race, don't expect to race seriously...

Just offering some perspective as someone who's been there.