Quote Originally Posted by Munch
Quote Originally Posted by T Baggins
Quote Originally Posted by Munch
...The botton line, I made a serious committment based on your rules.
Actually, it's ALL of our rules - and the members are the ones who make them - don't shoot the messenger...
You're right, it's our rules, thanks Tony.

I'm going to remove my objection. It's not worth the debate.

I'm gonna go race with Jon in the ousted Ducati Club in Arizona!
I guess you didn't read the previous post...? The one where I said that IF the rule change wasn't properly suggested, and there wasn't fair notice - that maybe we shouldn't allow it? Again, I was under the impression that it WAS part of the rule change recommendations. I want to do what's fair. I didn't agree that they kick my TZ250 out, but that's what they wanted. I didn't take it personal.

Look Munch, I'm not trying to hassle you... I'm just saying that collectively the members of this club make the rules. About 35 people were at the rules meeting - it wasn't just one guy who has a thing against Ducati's.... Just trying to help you understand the process man.