Damn Glenn, would you shut up and go away? (just kidding)

Glenn, it's obvious that you've put a lot of thought into this and I wanted to do the same, so I've been giving this idea a lot of thought and stole some research from our esteemed rider rep, Wyeth Jackson, in the process.

At present the solo endurance classes account for almost 20% of our weekend revenue.

At the last round there were approx 135 racers, with 90 of them participating in at least one endurance race.

If I look at it from that perspective our current solo endurance series is a raging success and eliminating it in our regular race schedule would be a HUGE gamble. I personally don't like it from that perspective.

From my perspective as a racer: I currently race:

Supertwins O
Mod Vin O
Mod Vin U
Colorado Class

at every round and

An endurance race and an ROR race at some rounds (as my schedule allows)

With the new structure I would go from racing 4-5 classes a weekend to 8-10. On the surface that looks like a great deal and offers a lot of tracktime for the money. To expand my program by that amount would likely require a second set of tires each weekend, which would make my current schedule unfeasible. As a result I would reduce my schedule in order to remain in the points in the classes that I would consider important.

The end result for me would be that I registered for LESS racing on a given weekend to preserve my chance at a championship.
