Even though I will most certainly never earn one, I too believe that the top ten numbers should be awarded based on the premier class, (currently) ROR-O. That being said, what follows will not effect the current alternate 1-10 numbers at all.

With the inclusion of one color to our number plate scheme, I can provide information identifying Class Champions, Clubman Top X, and Clubman Champion. I have used green as the additional color; a different color could obviously be used for implementation. More colors could identify more rider qualifications.

These all respresent a racer's status at the start of the current year, i.e., they represent the season ending stats of the prior year. As such I have only addressed Experts, (although it can easily be extended to Novices. Even if it is possible mathematically, there is virtually no chance that a novice will attain any of the new classifications without also advancing to Expert status for the current year.)

In the rider questions, if you can answer 'yes' to the 'IF', you aways have the option of choosing the 'ELSE' branch. If everybody did that we would end with all experts displaying black numbers on white plates. Sound familiar?)

The only people that could possibly be forced to change their number plate display would be ROR-O numbers 2-9, but only if a) they were using the (current) alternate scheme of white numbers / black plate AND b) they weren't a class champion.

From a rider's perspective:
IF Clubman Champion THEN Green Plate
IF Class Champion THEN Black Plate
White Plate

[Green Plate]
IF Class Champion THEN Black Number ELSE White Number

[Black Plate]
IF Clubman Top X THEN Green Number ELSE White Number

[White Plate]
IF Clubman Top X THEN Green Number ELSE Black Number

To identify a racer's classification:
IF Green Plate and Black Number THEN Clubman Champion and Class Champion
IF Green Plate and White Number THEN Clubman Champion

IF Black Plate and Green Number THEN Class Champion and Clubman Top X
IF Black Plate and White Number THEN Class Champion

IF White Plate and Green Number THEN Clubman Top X
IF White Plate and Black Number THEN no distinction

One possible financial incentive would be an additional discount in the current year for any Clubman Top X from the prior year. Something like: your last race is free if you register for so many races; an additional price cut below the current $20 - maybe $15 after 1/2/3 $20's. Calculating the optimum value for 'X' would be entertaining.