John Canzano (Oregon Live) has no right to judge the risk/reward equation in racing.

Kids die. It happens. They'll die racing. They'll die swimming. They'll die being kept safely on the couch...though that'll happen around 50 when lethargy takes its toll. Then a "kid's" dead parents can rest selfishly knowing they didn't let their kids take risks and didn't have to see their child die before them.

As for Wendy Murphy (Fox), it's the same message here. Kids die doing things. Though it is her job to protect kids from irresponsibility, it is not her right to judge where that responsible line is drawn. Women like her would see football programs end, bicycles taken off shelves and swimming pools drained.

She says herself as rebuttal to these suggestions, "Well, that's a judgment call." She's clearly upset she's not consulted on these judgments. Good thing.

Life does not happen in a bubble.