I am not anti PMI but do hope things change there. It is hard for us to go there and support the track with our $$$ when there are no open track days. They have done some noticeable work at the track. New fencing and some paint. What has been done to the track surface from last year doesn't us roadracers at all.

The two main reasons of not going back to Hastings was the distance and the surface. When the surface of a race track becomes bad enough to cause crashes it is time to consider racing there or not. i hope PMI does not get any worse.
I understand the idea behind charging a fee to vendors. The tracks that do this also usually provide something for this fee. A designated space, power ect.
Also the tracks that charge vendor fees that I have been to do not charge this fee to a racer trying to sell a set of take offs or a used Pitbull stand. Be ready to pay this fee if you want to sell your set of take offs in the pits.