Jonny this is news to me, nobody came to me with any complaints. I just when back thru the rulebook and as far as I can tell your bike falls into the rules for all of the classes you entered. They make a street bike version of the bike you ride so your good for superbike and ST GTU is a GP class as is ROR so whoever was bitchin is in the wrong.
Please don't go this route of leaving the MRA because of someone bitchin out of turn, I am quite sure you looked at the rulebook before you got the bike and made sure it fit what you wanted to do. You are to intelligent not to, and you are not the first racer in history to make the best he could of the rulebook. Thats not cheating its just the way racing is, I look at the rules and see what advantage I can have and exploit it if I can as will everyone else who races. Thats not cheating its racing at its best if you ask me.
We look at and modify the rules every year but once the rules are set for the year thats what they are, it may change next year but they are what they are for now.
I implore you not to leave us do to the few when there are so many that like to have you and your White Russians around.
If anyone has a legit rules infraction they need to come forward and protest by the numbers not just sit back and yammer.

Bartman Rules and Tech