But in most classes it wouldn't be terribly competitive in the hands of an inexperienced racer (ie, someone who is just getting started or is just trying it out)
Just a thought, but this sounds like a cool idea for someone like me who doesn't have the funds to get a bike, but I've got an itch from hell to race!!! I could probably scroung up $500 for the weekend of my life once a season. And frankly I wouldn't care if it was a 125, or a SV650, because I wouldn't be competetive on either, that's not what it would be about for poeple like me! ... my only pitfall(s) now are getting leathers, a race licence, a credit card, boots, gloves, brass balls..... you get the idea 8)

I do see the point GECCO makes with it not being competetive for an experienced racer, but it would at least tide them over for the points if they trashed their normal race bike.

I'd upgrade to the SVs Toni, but what do I know :wink:
Either way it's a bitchn' Idea!