Using my friend's Honda EU2000, we ran a set of Chickenhawks (I think) and my TyreSox, which only pull 700 watts. Bottom line: it won't do it. If you start up with all 4 warmers cold, so they're all drawing, the breaker goes. Once they get warmed up, and start cycling you might be able to stay running, but as soon as as you get to the point where 3 or 4 cycle on, a 2k gen won't keep up. Now, if you run 2 sets of TyreSox, then maybe it'll work. For 2 sets of regular warmers, a 3k gen is minimum.

FWIW, I just bought one of these Honeywell's for $499 + free shipping:
It's a tiny bit louder than the Honda (or Peter's Kipor) but MUCH quieter than an open ac gen.