Quote Originally Posted by oldtimer
Wow, very interesting discussion sorry I'm joining so late. My .02....

For the record, the superstreet class discussion has been going on for months on the forums, at the MRA meetings, etc. Long before the rules committee meeting, at the rules committee meeting, and now it's been voted in as a 2010 class with rules in place. While I think this discussion is very good it won't have an impact on the 2010 format. Am I correct?

That being said, it's ironic that racers are complaining that they can't get into the superstreet class. Originally there was objection to this class as being dangerous, now you guys want to race it? FWIW, this is not the reaction we were getting in all the meetings and discussions leading up to the formation of this class. Where were you guys last year when we were talking about this??

We as a club created this class for new guys, as a stepping stone to "try racing" and see if the rider wants to jump into a novice license. There are no points, no trophies, it's bragging rights only. And after just 2 superstreet events the racer can petition Mark for a novice license. It's a great idea and I'd like to see it have it's chance in 2010.

How about if enough guys want to create a streetbike class we put it to the rules committee for 2011?


No I don't want to race it either.

But what I haven't explained clearly enough. Which I did on the phone with mark was:

I don't like limiting ourselves. Like saying "no licensed riders".

Because of te fact that right now everyone is fired up for this class "build it and they will come"

well that's awesome. But what about 3 race weekends into the season? Will there still be 10 streetbike riders out there? Or just 2. What about 5 races into the season? 1 streetbike rider?

Interest may fall off, maybe we lose some street riders because they now decide to get a license, I'm just thinking of how full this grid will stay based purely on streetbikes, so maybe by allowing licensed riders, there will be a few extra guys out there to fill the grid if they decide to give their streetbikes a thrash, that have been sitting in thier garages....(not race). The desmo is a perfect example. There's no one in their right mind gonna "race prep" a bike like this but there's people who'd like to give them a little run to see what it's got against a gsxr1000.

Maybe there are some other exotic bikes out there that a some of our licensed riders might like to have this option. Someone in this club owns an rc45. I'd love to see that bike on the back straight against a desmo.

The class is named "superstreet", not new street rider class.

Again the point is I was trying to make was not limiting ourselves for scenarios later in the season.