Quote Originally Posted by dave.gallant
Quote Originally Posted by Ray-Ray
Quote Originally Posted by dave.gallant
Quote Originally Posted by Ray-Ray
Quote Originally Posted by Jon
Hey Jim,
As things aren't looking to promising for at least me (Can't find a 5.5 x17 Marchesini for the rear of a 749) I maybe looking to join you guys there in Vegas if so I'll see you there and thanks for the heads up. You don't know anywhere I might find a 5 and and a half Forged Marcheseni for a 749/999 do you? If so call me please at 720-841-6020
Thanks, and hope you had a Merry Christmas,
Jon G

Hey Jon - I have one I'd sell you! It comes with spares to! (like the rest of a 749R)
Theadjack your own thread monkey boy! I want to hear about Jon's tasty custom nasty.

(I am still in love with your T.Shepherd bike Jon...)
Dave! its NOT Money Boy! Its GOAT boy dammit!
Since you jumped in here -- why in the hell are you selling your 749?? I am told that once you ride red, you bleed green... :shock:

Sadly, I need to pay a few things off so I'm having to sell her! SAD SAD day!