Quote Originally Posted by dragos13
Quote Originally Posted by benfoxmra95
I would LOVE to hear Tim Young's (track marshall) opinion on this.....

Timmmay where are you, I haven't seen you on the forum in awhile.

a couple years ago someone submitted a rule change to allow for varying colors of number plate background and number sizes etc...

Tim's response: "this is F'n MotoGp, we have rules in place and structured over the years for a reason"

At the time I thought he was just being stubborn and a pain in the ass, well actually he was :P . But I was missing the underlying reasoning.

Changing things just for the sake of changing things is not a great idea. It promotes confusion. This is not what we need in a high stress enviroment with the potential for accidents.

The steady structure that has been set in place over the years in the MRA is necessary.

It should not be a revolving door because your going to start introducing all sorts of variables that can lead to mistakes that can cause an accident or some other failure of the system.

I am wholly against "Procedural" changes like this in the MRA. We have a solid raceday plan, that works and is proven.

There is no need to change this. The benefits are do not outweigh the cons, its a wash. Unless there is some beaming light of why this is better, it should be left alone.

When I worked hard enough to be on pole in Twins O I felt it was part of my reward to have the ability to swap inside to outside. This shuold not change for anyone it's been that way in the mra for more years than ive been here and it should go on that way for the years beyond me.

I see alot of things lately being thrown out to "fix" the MRA.... The MRA isn't Broken.... The economy is.
With the economy being down, we need to adapt and make changes. I'm not saying this is going to increase the amount of riders we have on the grid, but just that change isn't always bad.

Almost every major racing org does a staggered grid, unlike our current setup.

I dont see what negative outcome this would bring. You mention confusion? How long will it take to get used to a slightly new grid setup? You still go to your row, which will still be marked the same way. Grid up either left middle or right. Pretty simple, imo.

Having the reward of being able to swap left or right, would be replaced with the reward of starting farther ahead then the rest of front row. I think this then rewards each rider equally, as when you hold a higher spot you grid closer to start/finish.

I still dont see any cons to this type of setup. If we remain in the mindset, hey it works dont fix it, then we will be left in the dust. We need to be open minded, and willing to try new things. Will it create a safer grid start? In my opinion, YES.

Left in the dust by who? DMG? or some other club? didn't know we were in competetion with them.

Safer? Have you seen any moto gp races where the guys are taken out in turn one on the start? it happens quite often actually....

I've seen a few in the past several years. Hopkins, hayden, and a few others have been taken out like bowling balls on the start in turn 1.

You have no data whatsoever to claim that this is a safer scenario. Please don't make a claim like that when you cannot prove it.

Remember you are on the board now, If you make a claim such as "this is safer" and implement a change with, and it turns out to not be safer then thats a problem and you are representing the MRA in a way that might look bad

To me that's worse than anything because I don't want our club to look like it doesn't know what the hell it's doing to the rest of the country by "doing this and doing that and not having any consistency", like maybe DMG....