You guys are all making good points.

As far as the board revamping suggestions - they certainly can if they want, but the whole point of having a rule committee process was to prevent that. The suggestions can be "tweaked" a little (bumping the Thunder class to 855 would be a tweak) but completely ignoring a suggestion and creating another class would be over the top, IMHO, and I wouldn't support it. It'd be back to the "5 guys in a smoke filled room" building the rules type of behavior.

There's a pretty long history of trying to build small bike classes with MRA rules and I think the best we've ever done is only average. Regardless of how we try to make it even, someone always seems to show up with a Thermonuclear Weapon (nice analogy, Scott). For example, last year I would have never imagined we'd see a $31K Bimota DB5 in LWGP this year.

Frankly, I think the only way we could really make an SV competitive class would be to make an SV spec class. Nobody suggested that for this year, however.

Anyway, back to procedural stuff for rules, the board will be voting on whether to accept or reject the suggestion, and then on any minor tweaks. BTW, the current thinking is that we'll get the new board in place starting Wed night, then have both the new and old boards together in Dec to vote on the rule suggestions.