Rider Representatives are your connection to the Board. We are not technically Board members, but your voice to the Board. We are here to answer your questions, help you with race day protocol, ride with you on the track during practice sessions, help resolve conflicts, and try to keep you out of trouble. Our other job when away from the track is one of the four named positions. I have chosen to run for either the PR Chair or Trophy position, both or which I have experience in doing and have achieved success.

PR Chair Position
I took over the PR position when the MRA’s financial calamity occurred. It was a frenzied time with action needed immediately. We started a forum thread collecting ideas. I sorted through them and organized the schedule of events and PR materials we needed to get the word out. Because of the dedication of you members, we were able to get back on track. We as a club are still not fiscally healthy and we need to continue the PR mission to attract spectators, new racers, and businesses to the MRA events. I feel I have gained a lot knowledge and experience over the last several months and would like to continue what I have started. I have posted a PR Mission Statement and three points of attack to pinpoint our efforts to achieve specific results based on our successes and failures of last season.

Trophy Position
I was in charge of the trophies for the last three and a half seasons. I have developed relationships with the trophy sponsors and know what it takes to get the job done. I listen to what the riders want as far as trophies and try to mix it up so we don’t have the same things year after year. I think it time to mix it up again for the 2010 season trophies.

I have been honored to serve the MRA on the Board for the last four years and hope I have earned your continued support.

Thank you!!!!
Donna Bowden Turner