Quote Originally Posted by dirkterrell

Not really. The slowest riders run Nov-A and Nov-B (and Nov-C if they like, meaning that the riders most in need of more seat time can get it). The medium riders do Nov-B and Nov-C. The fast riders run Nov-C and Nov-MWSS or whatever other 2nd wave expert classes they qualify for under Scott's proposal. Only the fastest riders are really affected, and this encourages them to move up towards expert status, which from what I'm hearing, is what our more experienced riders are saying they should be doing.

So you are proposing to do this as well as add the second wave novice classes? I thought you were intending this instead of adding the second wave classes.

In that case then I definitely see merit with this idea since no one is losing seat time and can actually race more.

Do you set up a breakout time for the a and b groups after which a rider is ineligible in those classes? or how do you see determining who fits where?