Quote Originally Posted by T Baggins
Is nobody but me seeing the financial benefit provided by this? If we had 15 novices in each of the 6 races (which is very reasonable) that would net the club an additional $1800 per weekend MINIMUM. This from the racers who are ALREADY THERE ANYWAY. NO extra cost to the club, no need to recruit new members, nothing. Just free money for the club.

We could just as easily raise entry fees for everyone (say $20 per racer) to get the same net effect. But the riders get NO additional benefit if we do that. NO extra races, nothing - just a fee increase.

For the record, this wasn't my rule suggestion - but I think it is an excellent way to provide additional racing opportunities and revenue stream for the club.

If you're opposed to it, go to the rules meeting and be heard. I'm voting "yes" unless someone can convince me why this is a bad idea...
I do see the financial benefit. I'm also considering the impact to the expert racing the SS and SB classes.

I think this discussion is about ideas to strengthen the club's finances but not compromise the racing experience. And I don't know that I favor having a massive novice wave to race through in my expert classes. I believe there will be more than 15 novices in the middleweight, and possibly heavyweight grids, what if there are 20, or 30? I'm interested in hearing more comments on the topic.