4.5 Novice to Expert advancement process

Advancement from Novice to Expert can occur when the following requirements have been met, subject to approval by the New Rider Director:

A. [Add] Completion of a minimum of 6 races.

B. Demonstration of a working knowledge of MRA safety information, such as race day format, equipment requirements, and the meanings of all corner worker and starter flags.

C. and so on....


We used to have this (or something like it) in the rulebook. I don't recall when it went away, but when I started (in '01) racing it was clear that a novice with decent skills *could* turn expert after their 2nd full weekend (assuming 3+ races/weekend). Now it implicitly reads (to me at least) that you should be a novice for a full season before either a) being forced up or b) petitioning to move up. I think we'd want to encourage advancement to expert... no? Not sure if this is the best way to do that - but I was surprised to see the minimum race participation clause had gone away.