Since you asked, I'll get this off of my chest. It's been a strange year for me. It's my second year racing and it's my first year as an expert. By the end of my novice season, I was starting to feel pretty confident on my stock R1, until my family and I witnessed Clarkie sliding down the track lifeless at ppir and Glenn performing CPR on him. While I never met Clarkie until a month ago, I always enjoyed watching him race. I consistently followed his status on the getwellclarkie site. After seeing how well he's recovered, in some sort of strange way, I'm starting to get some confidence back. His event has had a serious impact on my decisions to get on the track. I know what we do is very dangerous and crashes are a part of racing, I just hate them! So to answer your question, I must humbly admit that my limited turn out is do to fear, which I'm slowly overcoming. See ya at HPR.
