Quote Originally Posted by Ashli
Quote Originally Posted by clowe
So, here is what is driving me away from racing. First, let me state that outside of work, racing is what I spend most of my time working towards and thinking about. What is driving me away is major changes to the schedule for the second year in a row. I don't know about the rest of you but I plan my entire summer and a lot of my winter around racing. I assume that most of you are in the same boat. We plan vacation and sometime cut them short in order to be back in time to race. People plan weddings, business travel and family reunions all around the race schedule. Last year, I had to change my wedding plans because the MRA decided to add a race to the end of season. I am lucky to have an understanding wife but the schedule was set, then moved, then set again, then moved again. As members many of us have wives, significant others and helpers whose schedules and lives are effected by these changes as well. We all start making out plans as soon as the schedule is finalized and all of the above mentioned people do the same. Because of the schedule changes from 2006, 2008 and this current season, I may have to find another place to race in the future or maybe just hang it up for a while. The schedule changes get very hard on the races as well as the whole support staff behind each racer.

Dave, I know that was not exactly what you asked but it may be what keeps me from coming back next year!
+1-- I'd say Crash's reason is the second reason we're benched this season.
Because of the monumental commitment/sacrifice by racer, spouse, friends and family - or because the schedule "may" change??

I'm confused... Seriously, are people are thinking of quitting the MRA because we've made (arguably) one bad choice by adding a race last year and two (not arguably) very necessary choices to cancel the PPIR rounds so the club doesn't vanish into the history books?

Eff me with a rake if it comes down to that. Nobody could have known that PPIR was coming back last year - and it looked to be a good opportunity to get our members back to a track that they love. Also, nobody could have known that our attendance (at the 6 rounds which were scheduled, and ran as scheduled) would be so poor.

Now you're not going to come back (or are considering leaving) because there are now two weekends you DON'T have to spend $1000+ with the MRA this year? :roll: