Tumbleweed Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:48 am Post subject:


Phat-X Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:48 am Post subject:


I'm personally up for either making Pueblo or the other event in Hastings a doubleheader. My reasoning is on cost alone. My preference would be to race a doubleheader in Pueblo because of the smaller travel required meaning less money spent, and the fact that I know what I'm doing in Pueblo and I think everyone else in the club does too. Plus going back out to Hastings would add all the travel expenses again and make everyting that much more expensive over just doing a doubleheader and cutting travel expenses, and time off work in half. But I'm personally just thinking about it on the extremely tight budget that I have to race on.

I second that.
I third that