For us - the Fullers, several reasons as I see it (of course, Chris will see it differently - yin & yang to those that know us).

When Chris and I met, he was a street rider - big smiles everytime he got on that bike. He took me out once (this was 10 years ago) and went over 100 on I-25 and I just about peed my pants.

So, he says that he and his best friend have always wanted to race - I found the track and in the middle of March, with my gloves on cause it was so dang cold, I was out there waving a checkered flag I had found in the box over the track at Second Creek...and I watched my most beloved find his passion. So, he gave up drinking, carousing and all the other stuff you spend your money on - to race.

Chris did really well at the begining of seasons... and then things that take money would happen - tranny blows, engine throws something - whatever, and we wouldn't have the funds to fix it (keep in mind, this is 5+ years ago - so finance has always been a reason)

I mean really, you have to love racing to name your first born Racer - right? And we had to be in love with racing to be at the track 9 days after he was born and 4 days after our daughter was born. You have to love it, and your family has to love it.

But, I got to tell you - more than one screaming match ensued as my husband drug his wife and toddler/infant to the tracks with nothing but awnings on raining, sleeting, 90+ degree weather, wind that fills your ears with dirt - to watch him enjoy the very thing that we began to hate. All I ever saw was the money spent for nothing but a few minutes on the track (I know, I know - if you don't race, you don't understand). I didn't want to be the type of wife who stops her husband stop racing - its' not like that...its that I wanted to stop racing...

So, we went one year - with me and the kids not going, and guess what - cost the same, but then there was less love for him doing it. Because we had fallen in love with racing for a family sport and he wasn't 'family' anymore. With their being more races, closer together = more costly, and well - just wasn't fun FOR HIM anymore.

So - we tried another avenue - the RV...LOVE IT, and lo'behold - others got RV's and they started cropping up -things got easier to be at the track , again for the family, and the smile that I loved so much on my husband, got bigger every time he got off the track - because we were there again.

I was trying to be so supportive that I even 'supplemented' the cost of racing by working a third job (Treasure of the MRA) for two years. Boy did it help and we realized, this is expensive . But our tattoo shop hits us in the...finances again...when we find everyone in our shop was stealing from us (because we were too giving-go figure) and now, we rob personal Peter to pay business Paul every day. So, racing is the only thing we can give up on.

You wonder what my long-winded posts' final summary is ...- its' mostly, now, about time with the family and the money that you have to spend to be competitive. Its about a shift in priorities when you only have one day together as a family every week. Its about paying five other breadwinners for their families instead of spending your free cash on yourself...

(I say it is a hobby and Chris looks at me like I'm speaking a foreign language - he says you can 'DO' hobby and compete and love it. )

We've toyed with the thoughts that the club now, just doesn't feel like a "family" club anymore, those that have been around forever know what I'm talking about. We thought last year about 'when we make it big' to see about a class where bikes are 'rented' - everyone the same and you pick number, get on the bike and well, your skill is what wins it for you. That is what I personally miss - I can't justify $10+ a year for something that for the rider. Fun and all, but lying on a beach three or four times a year with the kids laughing in the sun for the same amount of money...guess it just comes down to choices.

Love everyone - love my husband, but its' really nice to have a life too.

Racing - has just become too much money - way too much time and really, the politics got to me.