Quote Originally Posted by dave.gallant
Quote Originally Posted by glenngsxr
Quote Originally Posted by dave.gallant
Quote Originally Posted by glenngsxr
Quote Originally Posted by Lurch
Dave I haven't been back because I'm tried of the BS.
Now here's a quote for the ages. Really helpful.
That opinion is perfectly valid, and Lurch is not the only one to express it.
It might be valid, but we are discussing ways to get growth in the club, both spectating and racing. Saying "I'm tired of the BS" is not helping anything. Lurch, can you elaborate on what and how we can fix this BS? Glenn #62
No, this thread is not about growth.

I started this thread asking for reasons why people are no longer (or not able to) race.

Feel free to go deal with PR and growth issues in the other thread. Lurch's opinion is exactly what I asked for.
OK, technically this thread is not directly about growth. It's about why it's not growing. Why are people leaving? Lurch's "opinion" was hardly an opinion. It was not constructive and offered no insight as to why he left. If there is BS going on, let's let it out and fix it. There is no better time to talk about it than right now when the club is down and may need some revamping to grow.

so far would you conclude that money has been the biggest factor in people leaving?