Although I agree the money required to get the trick parts is crazy expensive, I do not want to see the club go towards the DMG supersport crap rules. It is important to keep innovation and the need to "find another tenth" in this game. In reality, we all chase the clock and in this battle we test ourselves as well. This is the rush that keeps us coming back for more. Many people leave once they stop making progress on their lap times. I say lap times and not finishing position because if you finish 4th in a race of 4, you still finished last. I hit a wall last year and it has made me nearly want to quit. I could do 35's at Pueblo and can now only manage 37's for some reason. It is at this point people leave and create natural attrition.

I have always told people that at the club level(with the exception of the Brads, Clarkie's and Turpins) that there is nothing you cannot make up with skill. You don't have to build a screamer motor to win races at the club level. It is natural for humans to want to "keep up with the Jones'" and you can see it at the track.

I say we give the qualifying a try at the next round. If we need people to volunteer to come down to the race day office and manually set the grids based off times, then so be it. Glenn #62