I am going to toss out a couple things as a former racer (very former ) The escalating cost thing has been going on forever, I quit racing 25 years ago when it got to the point that you could no longer be competitive (you're going to laugh at this) by safety prepping your street bike and bring it to the track. I continued to work the races in various positions (equipment manager, starter, track marshal) until about '95 and watched it get worse. Fast forward to last year when a friend started racing and I come back to the track and can't believe what it takes to be competitive. Unfortunately I dont have an answer to this as money will always buy speed.

My other idea comes from the local motocross scene, I honestly dont know if this would help or hurt attendance. Until this year if you were going for points/championship you had to race the entire 18-20 race season. This year 9 or 10 of the races are set as championship series and the rest are just for that day. This allows people who just want to race for fun (you still get your trophy or purse) to just race one day with no issues, if you want to go for the championship you only have to race 10 races, or if you want you can race every weekend. Gate pick (the equivalent of grid position) is done by random draw so that penalty is removed for not racing every day. What are your opinions on a system like this??