Quote Originally Posted by T Baggins
DONNA - can you put someone on this? Sounds like a good opportunity, but we need some Peeps from the Springs / Pueblo to show up and hand out flyers, coupons, whatever... I'll get you Erik's contact info when you get a lead on this.

From Erik Peat - Racer...

Well, things have gone a little crazy huh? I don't have a way to write on the forum and I just can't make it to the meeting tomorrow-you dang Denver guys but I spoke with Donna a while back and wanted to mention this again. Apex Sports is having an open house on July 18th and we would love to have as many of the MRA show up as possible.

It seems over the past couple of years when I have requested things like this, nobody shows up. I think we all need to look at the fact that Colorado Springs has a lot of military guys with money and ego's who would love to come around and bench race. If we had even a few guys there to talk racing, where to come watch, and how to get licensed, I think it could make a difference. I literally talk to handfuls of guys every week about racing and I cannot tell you how many of them have already been to the races this year. I can tell you that on a normal race day I will have 10 to 15 customers come by and eat lunch at our pit, on top of the normal 5 to 10 guys that come down and hang out with me and my family. We typically take about $100 worth food to each race and it is mostly always gone by the end of the day. All of that just from talking to a few guys at work! Imagine what a display of race equipment and some guys willing to spend a few hours would draw.

Apex is a big shop and this open house literally brings hundreds of people in the doors on that day. I unfortunately have a job to do that will prevent me from being out there much but I will help out with all I can. Apex is being very generous by saying we can do this and I think it would be pretty huge for our club to give it a shot!

So, if you could mention it at the meeting for me, I would appreciate it. I will even buy everyone's lunch if they would just show up! I have always wanted to get more people involved from the Spring's area and we need some help from you Denver guys.

If you get a chance, give me a call. My cell is xxx-xxx-xxxx and I will give you some particulars.

Thanks Tony!! You guys all do a great job! My family and I will help in any way we can just let me know.

Erik Peat

Tony if you could let Erik Know that I am willing to go down there with MRA flyers and programs and my race bike for his open house!

If you could PM Me his number so I can get some info I will get on it.