Quote Originally Posted by nwatkins176
I think it is in best interest to keep the club in good financial standing. It is a shame if the we have to go to the HPRMA next season as one of the draws to the MRA for me was the ability to go to different tracks.

If the MRA does go to only HPR next year, would it make financial since to keep running HPR and MRA as two seperate businesses? It seems the best business desicion would be to have HPR have its own race series. That would be profitable for HPR, but it seems MRA would demise. Sorry I am rambling, I don't want to see the club only race at one track, but if it does it seems the MRA would be absorded by HPR.


It would suck to run only one track but HPR does have different configs to run as well.

Another thing to think about is... are the entry fees for races going to go up as well. Also when HPR gets the facilities everybody wants, like showers and restrooms will the rental fee have a huge hike in price because of the up keep and water bills.

There are alot of things to take into account when dealing with a safe financial move for the MRA and I hope the MRA board members make the move in the right direction so we dont have an cancellations mid season next year or a 1 track only series.

I dont want to have to resort in going to other race clubs next year to race all summer.